Hi I posted a couple days ago about mr fox sleeping in the bed I got him and here he is this evening .
A few of the comments made quite upset me so I want to put this straight….
I’m not doing this for me …. He has been coming to my garden since I moved in 9 weeks ago and is very tame and when I saw him sleeping under the trees all wet and sad I had the idea for the beds.
He is free to come and go as he wants I’m not trapping him or keeping him as a pet
He often brings his mate
I have no intention of moving for years so he will always have me and my partner
In such a harsh world, all I’m striving to do is offer this sweetie some solace to rest his head upon, along with nourishment.
I hope that clears up some nasty comments about me trying to Make him a pet and how awful I am.
Posted by Elliana Bowers