From a friend’s true story

{From a friend’s true story}

Last kiss: I’ll never forget the day my mom called me in a panic, saying, “Janna, you’ve got to convince your daddy to get rid of that horse, it’s gonna kill him!” Major (or “Major Deal,” as mom named him) was a young, wild stallion when dad bought him. The horse was so difficult to handle that they said he “couldn’t be broken.”

The people who owned him before used harsh methods to try and tame him. They beat him and tied his head tightly between two posts, leaving him without food or water for four weeks. But Major stood strong through all of that.

When dad brought him home, Major broke through five strands of fence within minutes of arriving. He would bite and strike at anyone who came near. But my dad didn’t force him to obey. He worked hard, day after day, for two full years, just to earn Major’s trust. Slowly, love won. Finally, Major allowed my dad to ride him.

Every time dad would go outside, Major would kiss him on the head over and over. They shared a bond that only people who understand horses could truly appreciate.

It felt right for Major to give my dad one last kiss. This was Major’s final goodbye.


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