“Diagnosed With Aggressive Cancer That Was Blocking My Airway at 20 Weeks Pregnant”
“People are talking about abortion being necessary to save a mother’s life. I was one of those mothers.
At 20 weeks pregnant, I was diagnosed with aggressive cancer that was blocking my airway. I will never forget when the first doctor, an oncologist, brought up abortion. My husband and I had struggled with infertility for years. I knew right away that I would rather risk my own life than end my pregnancy.
Then I saw another doctor. He told me all the problems my baby might have if I didn’t end the pregnancy. I stood firm and refused. He told me, ‘That’s okay. The baby will probably miscarry anyway.’
I didn’t give up. I searched for doctors who supported me, and at 34 weeks, I gave birth to a healthy baby.
Now, I am about to celebrate 10 years cancer-free this May. My daughter is 10 years old—healthy, bright, and beautiful. She is my proof that doctors don’t always know everything.”
— Sarah Hull