What is the likelihood that Johnny Depp abused Amber Heard?


Vanishingly unlikely.

Amber claimed that this photo was took just after Depp had apparently punched her with great force:

These are apparently the wounds of someone who was punched hard by a man who wears chunky rings. Compare it to the injuries of this Russian woman who was only slapped, and furthermore, not even with full force:

If a medium slap creates a gash like that, what would you expect of a hard punch bolstered by rings? It would be a mess.

It gets better.

Here is another photo of Amber Heard:

When was this photo taken? The day after Johnny Depp apparently:

  1. Raped her with a broken bottle.
  2. Sliced her feet up.
  3. Smashed glass all over her arms and back.

Medical scientists will no doubt be lining up to study her.

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