On October 7, Hamas killed an Israeli man and put his child alive in an oven and raped his wife while the child was burning. How many Muslims said they were ashamed of being Muslim?
20-20 Hamas Muslims raped Israeli girls and children one by onAn Israeli woman who was kidnapped was kept hungry for two days and on the third day she was given meat and rice to eat. After eating, she was told that the meat she had eaten was that of her child. How many Muslims said that they are ashamed of being Muslims?
Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October and killed or burned 1400 innocent civilians, whole families, in their homes, hotels, hospitals, and vehicles. How many Muslims said they were ashamed of being Muslim?
Hamas burned dozens of Israeli children alive and beheaded 40 children while shouting Allahu Akbar. How many Muslims said they were ashamed of being Muslim?e and paraded them naked. How many Muslims said that they are ashamed of being Muslims?