In July 1991, Gregory Green murdered his wife, Tonya Green

In July 1991, Gregory Green murdered his wife, Tonya Green, who was six months pregnant, in their Michigan home. He stabbed her several times in the face and chest. Afterward, he calmly called 911 to report what he had done.

Green was sent to prison, but after 16 years, he seemed to have changed. He had almost no trouble in prison, and friends and family wrote letters to support his release, saying he was a different person. Even his former pastor wrote many letters asking for his freedom. In 2008, Green was released on parole for good behavior.

But in 2016, the unthinkable happened again. Green killed his two young children, ages 4 and 5, by poisoning them with exhaust fumes while they slept in his car. That same night, he tied up his teenage stepchildren and shot them in front of their terrified mother.

That mother was the pastor’s daughter. The pastor had trusted Green and let him marry his daughter, believing he had changed. After the murders, just like in 1991, Green called the police and waited for them to arrive.

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