“From 300 to 500 euros,” replied the owner. The boy took the little money he had from his pocket and said:
“I only have 100 euros. Could I at least see the puppies?”
The shopkeeper called Lady, the puppies’ mother, who came running, followed by five little fur balls. One of the puppies trailed behind her, limping.
The boy pointed to the lame dog and asked:
“What’s wrong with him?”
The shop owner explained that he had a hip problem and that he would walk like that forever. The boy lit up and said with great joy in his eyes: this is the puppy I want to buy! The shop owner told him:
“No, you can’t buy this. But if you want to have it, I’ll give it to you because it’s worth nothing.”
The boy was silent … he looked at the shop owner and said:
“I don’t want you to give it to me, because that puppy is worth as much as the others. And I will pay for everything. Now I will give you 100 euros and I will bring you another 10 euros every month, until you reach its price.”
Surprised, the shop owner said:
“But this puppy will never be able to run, jump and play with you”…
The boy slowly raised his trousers revealing his left leg, showing off the prosthesis he was wearing. –
“You see, he said, I don’t run very well either and the puppy will need someone who understands him”…