A priest and a nun find a deserted cabin to take shelter in. Inside, they discover a bed, a sleeping bag, and a pile of blankets. Being polite, the priest offers the bed to the nun and takes the sleeping bag for himself.
As they settle in for the night, the nun calls out, “Father, I’m cold!”
The priest gets up and covers her with another blanket. “Is that better, Sister?” he asks.
“Yes, Father, much better,” she replies.
The priest then goes back to his sleeping bag, but soon he hears her call again, “Father, I’m still cold!”
Once again, he gets up and adds another blanket for her. “Is that better, Sister?”
“Yes, Father, that’s much better,” she says.
The priest gets back into his sleeping bag, but just as he starts to drift off, he hears her call again, “Father, Father, I’m so cold!”
After thinking for a moment, the priest says, “Sister, we’re stuck here in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard. No one but you, me, and the Lord will know what happens tonight. How about, just for tonight, we act like we’re married?”
The nun hesitates, thinking it over. Finally, she agrees, “Okay, Father, just for tonight, we’ll act as though we are married.”
The priest, satisfied, responds, “Then get up and get your own damn blanket, you cow!” and rolls over to sleep.