As a doctor or nurse, what’s the saddest scene you have ever witnessed?

Two years ago my girlfriend Freya (who is a urologist) came home. When we were having drinks before dinner, she told me the most shocking and sad, but also fascinating story.

She had examined a patient the same day, and it ended with a sad surprise.

Apparently the patient — an older man of about 75 — had experienced pain in the groin area and did not feel well at all, so Freya examined him where the pain was.

She quickly found out what it was, and it was bad. Very bad.

Fournier’s gangrene.

“It was the very first time I saw a patient with this disease since I work in this hospital.”

I still remember those words.

Fournier’s gangrene is an acute necrotic infection of the penis, scrotum or perineum (a type of necrotizing fasciitis


It is also a rare disease:

Since 1950, more than 1,800 cases for study have been reported in English language medical literature. This disease occurs worldwide and, although it is recognized more frequently among male adults, has been identified also among women and children.

This particular case was a very bad one.

They acted very quickly and removed as much of the infected tissue as possible — including his entire penis — but over the next days, the gangrene spread at an uncontrollable rate.

Only days after his diagnosis, Freya had to undergo one of the saddest conversations of her career, and since the seconds were becoming minutes, and the minutes becoming hours, there was no time to waste.

So she explained the kind suffering man that he only had a couple of days at the very “best” (if that is the word).

And while she was crying, he comforted her and said:

“Thank you so much doctor for your courage, and your kind words. I am so happy that this will be over soon.”

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