Today I was picking up lunch for a doctor’s Office

“Today I was picking up lunch for a doctor’s Office and as I’m standing there waiting on my order and ...

A professor of mathematics sent a fax to his wife. It read:

A professor of mathematics sent a fax to his wife. It read: “Dear wife, You must realize that you are ...

We live in a 4 bedroom home.

We live in a 4 bedroom home. And this is us. Every night and every morning. This is us. I ...

On September 16, 1976, Shavarsh Karapetyan

On September 16, 1976, Shavarsh Karapetyan, a world-champion finswimmer, was finishing a 13-mile run in Armenia when he heard a ...

How does it feel to have an old father?

My father was 58 when I was born, and I’ll be honest with you: I had no idea that he was old ...

What are some peculiar requests that actors or actresses make?

Back in the 1960s and 70s, when he was perhaps the biggest movie star in the world, Steve McQueen had ...

Which was the most uncomfortable scene an actor ever had to shoot?

Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio in The Abyss. The scene is legendary because it caused her to storm off set and threaten not ...

What has been the last most inexplicable criminal case you have seen?

Probably the Jayme Closs case. Jayme Closs was a 13-year-old girl who lived in Barron, Wisconsin, with her parents, James ...

Today, I was pulled over by the police. At the time

Today, I was pulled over by the police. At the time, I had a concealed, loaded handgun on me, but ...

After leaving out of the store today

“After leaving out of the store today my daughter did something that really made me stop and think. There was ...