Everyone Deserves a Second Chance


A man walked into my restaurant one day and asked me for some money.

I looked at him and asked, “Why don’t you have a job? You look strong and healthy. Nothing in life is free, right?”

He sighed and said, “I have a lot of felonies. No one wants to hire me. I had to turn to the streets. I had to steal and rob just to survive.”

That day, I was short-staffed, so I asked him, “Do you want to work?”

His eyes lit up, and a huge smile spread across his face. “Yes!” he said. “I’ll do anything for some food.”

For the past two weeks, he’s been showing up on time for his two-hour shift. He helps take out the trash and washes dishes. At the end of each shift, I pay him. And do you know what he does? He spends his money in the restaurant on a warm meal.

I’ve tried to offer it for free, but he refuses—so I give him a discount. Today, he told me, “It feels good to finally pay for something on my own.”

The lesson here? Be kind. You never know what someone is going through. Even if they’re asking for spare change, their story may be more than you think. Everyone deserves a second chance. ❤️

Credit to the original author.

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