“I am sitting in my cruiser typing a report. This woman just came up to me and asked me if she could talk to me for a second. I said, ‘Absolutely’ and got out of my cruiser to speak with her.
The very first thing she said was, ‘Your life matters to me.’
She said, ‘I don’t see you as a ‘white cop’ rather, I see you as human… we are all human, and we are all the same.’
She then asked me, ‘Could I give you a hug?’ Which I accepted.
I told her, ‘Your life matters to me as well.’
We continued to chat for about twenty minutes about all that is going on in the world.
During those twenty minutes… it wasn’t a cop and citizen… or a cop and a black citizen talking. It was just two humans having a conversation.
Before she left, she gave me a small bible and told me, ‘I will be praying for you.’
We need more people in the world like this woman.” ❤️