I wanted to name my first daughter Lorelei,


I wanted to name my first daughter Lorelei, but my husband said no—because of Gilmore Girls! When she was born, we looked at her and agreed that none of the five names we had picked (Lily, Veronica, Victoria, Violet, and Nora) felt right for this baby. So… we named her Lorelei after all! And she is definitely a Lorelei.

For my second daughter, I really wanted to name her Aria. But while I was pregnant, one of my husband’s friends used the name, and he insisted we couldn’t. Instead, we named her Zoe—after the kind and caring nurse who helped me heal, both physically and emotionally, after I lost my son at full term.

Both names ended up being the perfect choices.

Losing our son, Adam, was the worst day of my life, and it’s something I will carry with me forever. He was a beautiful baby. When Zoe was born 14 months later by C-section, the same nurse—also named Zoe—was there for the birth. She was the first to hold her namesake, and she later became a dear friend.

I’m adding a picture of Adam, taken the day he was born and passed away.

My son, Adam.

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