“I was finishing up my shift today at work and Jacob and his mom came through my line. I was bagging; making small talk, asking them what their Christmas plans were and what he asked for for Christmas. He said that he asked for games. His mom turned to me and said, ‘Santa wouldn’t be coming this year.’ As they went to leave I grabbed her arm and asked for her number, and I wasn’t letting her leave without giving it to me. As soon as I got off I went straight to the store and bought that kid what he said he wanted. It made me so happy to do this for him. He is one of the sweetest boys I’ve ever met and was so happy to receive what I got him. There were tears and a lot of hugs but now he can be happy and I can appreciate what I get more as well. If there is anything I’ve learned tonight it’s that it doesn’t matter what you have or what you don’t. It doesn’t matter how many presents you have under the tree. What matters is showing the people you love how much you appreciate them. And knowing who you are and what you stand for. Everyone deserves to be happy on Christmas but sometimes you gotta go outta your way to make things happen.”
Credit: Abby Meehan