“Last night my son Jordan came into my room and said “Mom, let me tell you what happened to me today! I was at Walmart, went to leave, and my car battery was dead. So, I went back into the store and bought some jumper cables…
A man in a white truck was parked next to me. I asked if he could give me a jump. He said what I needed was a new battery. I told the man that I can’t afford a new battery right now that I have a 400.00 insurance bill due today. The man asked if I was a single parent because I had the baby with me and I told him “no, her mom was at work”. The man told me to pull around to the auto dept. so I did, I thought he was going to get them to charge my battery. Walmart auto was real busy, so the man said to follow him to Auto Zone…
I followed him to the store. The man went inside the store, and talked to someone inside. He came out to my car and said someone would be out in a few minutes. He shook my hand, and drove off. A few minutes later, an employee came out with a brand new battery in his hands to put in my car”! Jordan had tears in his eyes!
He said “mom, I didn’t even know the man’s name”!
To the gentleman driving a white trk, in North Augusta yesterday , that helped my son & grand daughter… Thank you!!!”