My son called me tonight

My son called me tonight, but I missed the call. I immediately felt that terrible feeling in my heart. I started wondering what was wrong. What happened? What should I say if he’s relapsed? Ugh, the worries of a mama’s heart. I called him back, and he answered. As he said, “Hey, Mom…” I listened carefully to hear if he sounded okay. I went to my bedroom, sat on the bed, and waited to hear what he would say next. Then he said, “Mom, we’ve been everywhere looking for a new duvet cover or comforter and can’t find anything. Where do you think we should go? Should we just order online?” And that’s when I finally breathed again. Moms, I know how hard it can be if you’ve gone through addiction with your kids, but just keep breathing. My son is 18 months clean now! I haven’t seen him smile like this in years.

Posted by Anna R. Welliver

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