This is my hand that I was born with.
Sometimes people give strange looks. Sometimes people try not to let me see them look.
And sometimes people just ask point blank: “What happened to your hand?!?!”
I want people to know that it’s okay to ask questions about my hand.
In fact, people close to me make jokes about it. My friends and I make up stories about how I lost my fingers. (Oh, and little kids are extremely gullible.) My friends and I make fun of it. Not to be mean, but to be funny!
I’m not offended if you ask for my hand. I’m not offended if you make jokes about it.
And guess what? Most people with physical “disabilities” probably won’t mind if you ask them questions about how they got that way.
But I guarantee they will care if you treat them differently. They care when you try not to let them see you looking at them. They care when you are afraid or embarrassed to talk to them.
I’m just like you, I just look a little different. I want you to know that you can ask me questions about my hand. I won’t be embarrassed 🙂
I would like to answer some questions that people have been asking.
Is this your left or right hand? It’s my left hand. The finger on the left is my pinky. The finger on the right is my thumb.
Can I use it/feel it? Yes! I can do almost anything that everyone else can including:
- Playing the guitar
- Tie my shoes
- Type on a keyboard.
- Pick up things. (Not too tight)
- My nose itches