This man — who has since become one of the most famous patients in the hospital — entered the ER with an acute peeing problem.
First of all, he wasn’t able to squeeze out a single drop of urine, and secondly, he suffered from severe lower-abdominal pains.
When the urologist on call started to examine him, she immediately noticed that something was hanging out of the patient’s glans penis — something green, which looked like a piece of string. She couldn’t remove it without the patient screaming his lungs out, and the patient could not explain what the thing was doing in there.
X-rays were subsequently taken to see what was hiding inside, and the outcome was more than your average surprise: inside the patient’s bladder was a (very long) piece of cable (and one of its end was dangling out of his penis). The patient still had no idea what it was doing there.
Needless to say, surgery was needed to remove the darn thing, and when he was opened up not much later (since this really was an acute problem, because his bladder was so severely obstructed), a 6-meter-long rolled-up plastic green cable was removed which the patient — as he later reluctantly admitted — had shoved up into his penis for personal pleasure.
Cable guy — as he was baptized — was saved, but unfortunately, this patient is severely mentally disturbed, and he does it time and again (with a range of different object). And one thing is for sure —
If Cable guy enters the building, he won’t be leaving soon.