True love

True love…😘❤️😘

This is a man of true honor and she is just plain tough! Michael Hoskin, A former police officer, gave up his job to care for his girlfriend Turia Pitt, an Australian ex-model, who suffered burns to 65% of her body, lost her fingers and thumb on her right hand and spent 5 months in hospital after she was trapped by a bushfire in a 100 kilomter ultra-marathon in Western Australia in 2011. When asked if he ever thought about leaving her and moving on with his life, he gave a beautiful reply, “I’m married to her soul, her character, and she’s the only woman that will continue to fulfill my dreams. She’s beautiful, you know, she’s amazing.” That’s true Love!

Turia who has had a difficult road to recovery says – “I’ve had to claw my way back into life — learn to walk, to talk. All the things I had taken for granted before became seemingly impossible tasks.” She calls Michael her rock and says she’s blessed – “I’ve got an amazing partner, beautiful family and friends. I live in one of the best places in Australia. So when people say they feel sorry for me, I don’t really get it. I don’t feel sorry for myself at all.” What an inspiring positive outlook! Their love story is truly inspirational! Even better, they just got engaged! Congrats and Thumbs UP to this amazing couple!!!

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