When my Nana was put on hospice


“When my Nana was put on hospice, the nurse asked her what her goals were. She replied that she wanted to be at my wedding. They reluctantly told her they didn’t want her flying anymore (she was nearly 103 years old) and her heart was failing. I knew in my heart she was trying to hang on to get there somehow.

I decided to fly to her with my wedding dress – it was unaltered and didn’t fit yet but none of that mattered. I may have lied to my entire family about where I was that weekend, and I didn’t tell my friends, so I could surprise everyone with these photos. Words cannot explain how much these moments mean to me. Her smile and her laugh are forever etched in my mind and the love between us will live in my heart. This was one of the greatest days of my life. 😍😍

When I said goodbye to her that night, I think we both knew it would be the last time we would see each other. She grabbed my cheeks with her hands, looked me straight in the eye and said, ‘I love you very much’ and 27 days later she passed away.” πŸ™πŸ™

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