Why was Erwin Rommel allowed to choose how he would die?


Thanks to his Africa military service Rommel received a choice according to his son Manfred.

The 15-year-old Manfred observed his father entering his mother’s room with his pale complexion. Curious, he followed him.

Rommel led Manfred to his room to talk when he stated “The time till my death stands at fifteen minutes now.”

“I just told your mother that I will be dead in fifteen minutes.”

Hitler labeled Rommel a traitor so an armed guard sat outside his house. Because of his Africa combat experience he was offered the decision between poison or shooting himself. Soldiers from outside the house delivered the poison which would swiftly end his life.

“If I take it peacefully, they promised not to harm my family or my officers,” Rommel said.

Manfred asked, “Do you think they will keep their word?”

Rommel nodded. “Yes. The soldiers protect this secret from public knowledge. The leadership requested that I receive your vow to remain silent about the matter. The promise will not stand if someone reveals this information.

Manfred got angry. “We should fight back!”

But Rommel stopped him. “There’s no point. My life and the lives of everyone with me will be taken if I do not follow. Dying alone is the preferable outcome.

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