The last 24 hours showed me why my wife is just the best
The last 24 hours showed me why my wife is just the best. We woke up before 3 AM for ...
This picture was taken 24 hours after
This picture was taken 24 hours after I gave birth to my second baby boy, Waylon. The man on the ...
Who was the key ally for the UK during the Falklands war?
Who was the key ally for the UK during the Falklands war? Well, as the British campaign employed no allies, ...
If British Paratroopers and Royal Marines were deployed to fight in Ukraine, how well, in combat will they perform against the Russian army?
One of my friends in the Armed Forces of Ukraine was a Royal Marine. Now he serves as a combat ...
To the mom of three at Chick-Fil-A
“To the mom of three at Chick-Fil-A: I sensed your panic when your five year old son pointed at my ...
What famous person are you surprised is still alive?
Mick Jagger (and the other Stones) He looks like a mummified zombie. Don’t get me wrong I like the Rolling ...
What innocent-seeming picture is actually heartbreaking?
Cute family, huh? Brothers and sister are all smiles, and it doesn’t look like they’re forced. They are. That little ...
This picture was taken on April 29, 1945
This picture was taken on April 29, 1945, the day of liberation at Dachau Concentration Camp. The man on the ...
What is one thing you caught your parents doing that you wish you had never seen?
We were in France (and I think I was about 12 at the time). My sisters and I were asleep ...