Today, I was pulled over by the police. At the time, I had a concealed, loaded handgun on me, but I want to make it clear that everything I did was voluntary, and here’s what happened.
The officer came up to my car and asked if I knew why I was stopped. I said I didn’t. He told me that my registration had expired on June 30, 2016. He asked to see my driver’s license, registration, and insurance card. As I kept my hands on the wheel at 10 and 2, I immediately said:
“For your safety and mine, officer, I want to let you know that I am legally carrying a firearm. I have a concealed carry permit, and my gun is in the small compartment under the cup holder, with a round in the chamber and the safety on. There is also an extra magazine with it.”
The officer asked me to keep my hands on the wheel and then asked where my gun was. I told him and offered to get out of the truck if he needed me to while he retrieved the gun. He agreed and thanked me for my cooperation.
When I got out of the truck, the officer stayed facing me. I asked if he wanted to search me for other weapons so he could be sure I wasn’t a threat. He said that would be great and asked if I had any other firearms or weapons in the truck. I told him I didn’t.
The officer then searched me and retrieved my handgun. He asked permission to get my driver’s license and carry permit from my wallet, and I gave him permission. I also offered for him to search the rest of my truck if needed, but he declined.
Once everything was settled, the officer gave my gun back to me, and I said, “You can just put everything on the driver’s seat, and I’ll get it when we’re done.” I thanked him for staying calm, especially since I had a legally carried gun, and he thanked me for my cooperation. He asked me to sign the warning ticket and reminded me to take care of my registration soon.
Before I left, I thanked both officers for their service and told them to be safe, especially with all the recent events happening. I told them that’s why I carry a gun. I shook their hands, they gave me my warning, and I went on my way.
After the tragic events in Dallas and Baton Rouge, I chose to handle the situation in what I believed was the best way.
The lesson here is that it’s about safety and respect. If you treat others with respect, you’ll be treated the same way.
Thank you to the Altoona Police Department for handling the situation professionally and keeping the city safe.